Charles Edward Brooke school is a comprehensive school with a Christian foundation for girls. The school think all women have responsibility in a changing global society. And all students provide a stimulating, secure and purposeful environment in which each student is motivated to strive for excellence in both academic achievement and personal development.
The school try to make higl level and good valance curriculums.
Years 7-9 (key stage 3)
English (this includes media and reading clubs)
French or Spanish (students who are particularly able in Modern Foreign Languages go on to study both)
Technology (including working with wood, metal, plastic, food and textiles)
Information Communication Technology
Religious Studies
Art and Design
Physical Education
Personal, Social and Health Education
Careers Guidance
Learning Support (including help from the Special Needs Coordinator and support for students for whom English is an additional language).
Years 10-11 Curriculum
All student who studied all the subject at Key Stage 3 are able to use GCSE. The Others can take Statistics and vocational courses such as Media and Hospitality and Catering.Most students sit GCSE examinations in ten different subjects. The school support student studying home languages to take GCSEs. For example, they can take classes after school, Saturday and Sunday.
Students from Charles Edward Brooke Church of England Girls’ School in Camberwell have been out and about spreading Christmas cheer in the local community.
On 15 th December 2009 year 8 students visited Living center, End day center and primary school. The students acted the drama,played dance and play music. They made them happy.
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