The UK has social class. They read diffrent news paper, TV showand they speak diffrent English. I'll introduce about dieerence between upper and middle and working class.
Upper Class
A landowner, the nobility, a wealthy person who take a leading part in finance
They employ a child care nurse. They have played riding a horse since they were children.
They have a large plot of ground and they speak queen English. They wear clean.
They like hunting, an overseas trip, playing tennis and play golf.
Middle Class
Member of the Diet, manager, teacher, police, writer, and bank cleark
They look rich for Japanese.Their big deam is to have house, and they like older house. They want to secure for position of near the upper class. The culture is classic music and ballet.
They speak English that is used BBC.
Working Class
Electrical engineer, bus driver, waiter, cook and cleaner
They speak non clean English as dialect. They like football also drink beer.
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